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functional design

( back to purity )

Good design is as little design as possible. No frills, no wasted pixels, no features you use just once and then forget.

Focus on the Idea, Reduce to the Essential, Streamline the User Experience.

That's why we took the inspiring Dieter Rams' Ten Principles of "Good Design" and designed Minù with the same principles.

Hello, Minù.

The most functional (and beautiful) kitchen timer for your smartphone.


Human UI

With Minù setting a timer requires only two taps. We've optimized the user interface to offer you the best user experience.


Press the start button with no time set to turn Minù in a stopwatch.


Start the timer and close the app. Minù will continue to count the seconds in background.

PXL:Artificer quality

Minù has been designed by PXL:Artificer Studios in Tokyo.


it's all about simplicity

Minù is incredibly easy to operate.

Rotate the ring around the main screen (just like a scroll wheel iPod) to set the desired time and then press the alarm button.

the simplest user interface

We tried many kitchen timers for smartphone, but the majoirity are slow to operate, have a terrible user interface or well, they look horrible. That's why we designed Minù to be the most well-designed kitchen timer ever.

Beautiful design

Minù looks amazing. It's not just an app. It's a stylish accessory for your modern kitchen.



beautiful pixels

Minù is a tiny little kitchen timer app that has been heavily inspired by Dieter Rams’ Ten Principles of “Good Design”. It’s one of those apps that do one thing, but do it very well.

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Appgefahren (germany)

Wer etwas fürs Auge sucht, wird in Sachen einfacher Stoppuhr und Timer mit der kostenlosen Universal-App Minu Timer fündig.

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ipodart (korea)

Minu Timer는 있어야할 기능만을 갖춘 심플한 필요성, 그 기능에 맞는 최적의 디자인과 사용자 경험이 만나 눈과 손을 즐겁게 합니다.

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PXL:Artificer is a design studio based in Tokyo, Japan.

We care for every single pixels in our apps. Because a great app requires extraordinary attention to make sure all its elements are absolutely perfect.


Our apps are not "software", our apps are "devices". We built them with our passion and commitment, like a watchmaker assembles a watch from scratch with all single parts on the table.


Adding a lot of features and rushing to release an app on the market is never a good idea. We believe it's important to focus on what makes the app special, create a magic experience and then deliver the best.

Our Apps


PipClock ☢ is the Best Survival Device for the newbie wandering explorer or the survivalist expert. Before leaving the Vault, check for health hazards like Acid Rain, Toxic Fogs or Fallout Vapors. Measure the radiation with the built-in Geiger Counter or scavenge the wasteland keeping track of distance and direction using the Target Maps and the Compass!


alchemy guide

Master the Art of Potion & Poisons making and become a Mighty Alchemist with the best and most beautiful Skyrim Companion App.
Browse the extensive database of ingredients and potion effects, check where you can find specific ingredients, then add your ingredients to the inventory and look for the most valuable potions you can create!


zombie tools

Zombie Tools ☣ from Guns & Gardens is the only iOS app you need to survive the zombie apocalypse. It includes a range of useful modules, including a global emergency Sit-Rep, motion detector, signal light, video feed, survival journal and more. It’s got so many useful tools, it’s like a digital “Swiss Army Knife” in your pocket.
